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今日推薦開源項目:《此霓虹非彼霓虹 synthwave-vscode》
今日推薦英文原文:《AI Will Never Be Able to Replace Teachers》

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今日推薦英文原文:《AI Will Never Be Able to Replace Teachers》作者:Il Kadyrov
推薦理由:AI 會幫上老師的大忙,但是肯定沒辦法替代他們

AI Will Never Be Able to Replace Teachers

Having written several articles about Artificial Intelligence and about the future of robots in our life, I decided to write another article, but now my opinion suddenly changed, now I believe that these robots will not be able to completely replace us in this matter — teaching. Probably one of the hardest works in this world, not in terms of physical, but in terms of emotional and spiritual. And then the robots have not so many chances to get close to us in terms of the qualities that a teacher should have. But they will definitely be able to help teachers and make the process of teaching children easier and easier for them, will be able to make this process more vivid and interesting. Now let me try to explain why I think so and what are my reasons.

Robots will know more, but sometimes teachers have to improvise

Only at first glance, the teacher』s work seems simple, you just need to know the topic and talk about it. But in reality this is not at all the case, just to tell is never enough for children, they are all very different, they understand differently, they think differently, they are interested in different things, and therefore each has a different approach. And no teacher can just tell once and leave, they will try to convey this topic to everyone. They will come up with different cases from life, invent stories where they can show the application of this topic. Teachers have to improvise a lot, think, and over how best to bring a lesson to children. Of course, robots will know much more, they will know absolutely everything, they are trained for this, but to bring the material in the way real people do, they will not be able.

The teacher is not just a man from school

Usually, most teachers become very close to us. And of course, this happens for a reason, children spend a lot of time with them, talk on various topics, teachers will always support and help. Many children are ready to entrust them even their secrets, which they do not even tell their parents. Robots with this will be harder, they will not have these human qualities of compassion and love. Of course, children will be interested in them, robots know everything, they can do everything, you can play with them, but they cannot become as close as real people.

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

But here are university lectures

I probably agree with the fact that robots will be able to replace lecturers. There everything happens in a completely different way as it happens in schools, in lectures lecturers just have to tell the material. And here the use of robots can be even better, they can tell a lot more material, give more arguments, tell and show without getting tired. But again, it』s worth noting that most lecturers teach the material unusually, improvise and add their own stories, which makes the classes more interesting. Therefore, replacing these lecturers may not be so easy. But in any case, it would be interesting to see how Artificial Intelligence would talk about Artificial Intelligence that creates Artificial Intelligence.

Teachers』 assistant

But to become an assistant teacher artificial intelligence can definitely become and this is the most correct way. How much time teachers spend checking homework and preparing materials for the next lessons? A crazy amount. For Artificial Intelligence it would not be so difficult. But how much time will be released from the teacher and this time he will be able to devote to his students and of course this will bring these students to a new level. Also, AI able to analyze data on each student in particulate, AI takes into account the details a human teacher could fail to notice. AI is able to provide data-based predictions of student』s identify gaps in knowledge, highlight strengths and weaknesses and suggest where extra tutoring would be of help. So that such an assistant will greatly increase the ability of the teacher.

Startups have already begun to emerge that want to create an AI robot that can become a teacher assistant. I hope soon our education will reach a completely new level and it will become even more interesting for children to learn and they will gain much more knowledge through the cooperation of technology and man. I want to say that for me this is one of the best and useful applications of Artificial Intelligence in our life.