今日推荐英文原文:《Recent Findings — The Titanic Could Have Sank Because of Northern Lights》

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今日推荐英文原文:《Recent Findings — The Titanic Could Have Sank Because of Northern Lights》作者:Meghan Gause
Recent Findings — The Titanic Could Have Sank Because of Northern Lights
The geomagnetic storms behind the Northern Lights could have disrupted the ship’s navigation and communication systems

(Newspaper from The New Ark Advocate)The RMS Titanic set sail April 10th, 1912. Four days later, over 1,500 lives will be lost. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, according to new research.
Independent weather researcher Mila Zinkova is raising the question of whether the aurora borealis played a role in the events that led to the sinking of the Titanic. And according to her findings, the possibility is higher than you’d think.
“The Northern Lights were very strong that night.”Auroras form from solar storms, when the sun expels high-speed streams of electrified gas that hurtle toward Earth. As the charged particles and energy collide with Earth’s atmosphere, some travel down magnetic field lines to interact with atmospheric gases, glowing green, red, purple and blue, NASA says. These charged particles can also interfere with electrical and magnetic signals, causing surges and oscillations, according to NASA.
James Bisset, one of the Titanic’s officers, recorded this message in his journal the night before the tragedy. The saddening thought is that he had no idea how dangerous those beautiful lights could be.
“There was no moon, but the Aurora Borealis glimmered like moonbeams shooting up from the northern horizon.”

(Photo by NOAA on Unsplash)The solar storm could have been enough to disrupt the communication system and compass of the titanic. It could very well be the reason why they drifted toward the iceberg.
Survivors of the wreck witnessed the color sweeping through the sky the night they were rescued.
“It arched fanwise across the northern sky, with faint streamers reaching towards the Pole-star, ” – Titanic survivor, Lawrence Beesley –The ocean liner RMS Baltic reported that night, the radio messages sent out from the Titanic were never heard. Also, messages sent to the Titanic, we’re ever received.
The ship captains were unaware of the potential chaos geomagnetic storms could cause at that time in history. Did they know that their SOS messages we’re falling on deaf ears?
The fear that took over must have been astronomical. The confusion of why the mechanics weren’t functioning as usual.
Not only would the storm cause issues within the navigation system, but it also would be the reason for delayed rescue. The messages were possibly being blocked or construed by the northern lights.
The official report on the sinking of the Titanic condemned inexperienced radio operators for producing the interference that disrupted transmissions to and from the Titanic.
Eyewitnesses, solar storms, failed communication, and malfunctioning equipment.
All it would take is a slight deviation in route to collide with the iceberg. One of the most tragic events in history could have been caused by one of the wonders of the earth.
The beautiful Northern lights are highly suspected of being why the Titanic drifted into an iceberg that night.
The band played until the end.