
Students Open Source Conference,简称 sosconf,是首个由学生组织面向学生的非盈利社区全球性开源技术峰会,峰会基于开放源代码的理念,鼓励学生享受开源、了解开源、参与开源、贡献开源,并能从开源中得到实践和乐趣。峰会每年在不同国家不同城市轮流举办,从演讲者、组织者、志愿者到听众,绝大多数都为在校学生,包括中学生、大学生硕士研究生和博士研究生,其中演讲者和志愿者仅限学生身份报名。

sosconf 的前身来自于 2018 年在重庆举办的第0届学生开源年会(SOSCON),从 2019 年第1届学生开源年会开始,sosconf 成为全球学生开源会议,并计划在不同国家举办当地语言版本的学生开源年会,sosconf 2019,即第1届全球学生开源年会将于 2019 年 8 月下旬在美国南加州大学举办,请关注官方网站 https://sosconf.org 获得最新消息。



The Students Open Source Conference, sosconf for short, is the first non-profit global community open source technology summit organized by students for students. With open source as its core concept, the sosconf helps fulfill our promise that more and more students will learn Open Source and participate in open source projects. We sincerely hope that through the summit events, students can gain practice experience and pleasure in their open source adventures. The summit is annually held in different countries and most of the participants, including presenters, organizers, volunteers and audience are students (ranging from middle school students to graduate and doctoral students). Presenter and volunteer positions are open to students only.

The sosconf 2019, namely the first global Students Open Source Conference will be held in August 2019 in University of Southern California, USA. Please visit https://sosconf.org for latest information.

