今日推荐开源项目:《论文社区 papers-we-love》
今日推荐英文原文:《Show up for Long Enough and You Won’t Have to “Sell” Yourself》

今日推荐开源项目:《论文社区 papers-we-love》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:Papers We Love(PWL)是一个有关计算机科学学术论文的论文库,以及围绕阅读、讨论和学习论文的社区。该项目将分散在网络上的文档集中在一起,以便使用者能够找到优质的文章。同时该社区在世界不同的城市有着分会,将不定期举办相关活动。
今日推荐英文原文:《Show up for Long Enough and You Won’t Have to “Sell” Yourself》作者:Tim Denning
Show up for Long Enough and You Won’t Have to “Sell” Yourself
It’s hard work being forced to pitch yourself every day — especially when you don’t have to
We’re all salespeople whether we admit it or not. You’re selling yourself, an idea, a business, an opportunity, or a person on a daily basis.I stopped selling myself as a writer about two years ago, accidentally. It was only recently that I figured out why, and it will help you when thinking about your own life.
There Are Two Ways to Sell Yourself:
- Jam your brand and business card down people’s throats.
- Sit back and let people come to you.
Time in the Game
The subtle difference in my life has been time in the game — specifically, time spent on social media and writing blog posts.I have been doing it for so long now that I’ve almost completely given up the notion of selling who I am and what I do — a Google Search does that for me.
People respect how much time and effort you’ve put into something. It shows that you’re serious and can be counted on. So spending several years following one path can lead to enormous results.
You don’t have to pitch yourself so much when you’ve been doing your thing for a long time. People come to you because they’ve seen your work.
Become Known for One Skill
We’ve all seen a LinkedIn profile that says Entrepreneur, Speaker, Award-Winning Founder, Blockchain Enthusiast, Love Of Dogs, Part-time Astronaut. It’s all too much. What do they do? Who knows. Perhaps dabble in a lot and achieve not much.I saw a LinkedIn profile today with a killer headline from a guy named Saurabh Srivastava.
It read: “I write.”
Simple. Beautiful. Elegant. Subtle. But bold at the same time. It takes a lot of guts to be that specific and focused.
If people don’t know you for one skill, then they become confused, and that’s when you have to sell yourself over and over.
People know one thing about me: I write.
How could you take what you do and make it less confusing? There must be one skill or one passion you want people to associate with your name.
Confusion leads to the need to “sell.”
Clarity and focus lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy where you sell yourself without opening your mouth.
Add a Heart of Gold
Heart sells you.Acting with heart is so rare and that’s why it sells you and what you do so well. You don’t have to be Mother Teresa either.
Display raw emotion, show people you care, see yourself as part of something bigger, spread love not hate, and help people for no good reason at all.
Final Thought
Every day you’re selling. And selling can be easy.Ditch the personal branding gurus, social media seminars full of selfishness, marketing guides for $99 a month, and people teaching a form of hypnosis that’s supposed to make someone buy what you do.
If you show up for long enough with an aim to be helpful and put your ego to one side, you’ll sell yourself better than any marketer ever could.
Time in the game beats time spent trying to convince people of your value.
Your process and the length of time you spend doing it sells you. When you do that you might just accidentally see a powerful shift from selfish to selfless.