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今日推荐开源项目:《指令截图 screenshoteer》
今日推荐英文原文:《How to Get a Software Engineering Internship in High School》

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推荐理由:有没有想过即使在命令行界面中也能截图呢?这个项目基于 puppeteer 专门制作了在命令行中进行屏幕截图的指令,还提供了自定义页面尺寸,等待时间,或者是模拟移动设备等各种功能,算得上是一个 puppeteer 的截图特化型项目了。
今日推荐英文原文:《How to Get a Software Engineering Internship in High School》作者:Brett Fazio

How to Get a Software Engineering Internship in High School

My experience getting two internships before graduating from high school

Internships have historically been a differentiator, but with the growing competition, graduating with an internship is no longer something that distinguishes — it’s a requirement.

In very competitive fields such as computer science, many students are graduating with two, and in rare cases in three, internships. With the bar being set so high, it makes it hard to catch up if you didn’t get an early start.

Lots of people think the time to start seeking their first internship is in their sophomore year — this is incredibly bad advice. At the very latest, you should be looking for an internship in your freshman year of college.

There are so many opportunities to take advantage of, it’d be a waste to ignore them. With programs like Google STEP, Explore Microsoft, and Facebook University targeted specifically at freshman and sophomore students, opportunities to get an internship your freshman year are as abundant as ever.

But can you start your internship search before your freshman year? Common knowledge says no, but there are plenty of unique ways you can go about getting an internship while still in high school that don’t require you knowing anybody.

By the time I graduated high school, I had two internships, both at Lockheed Martin. In high school, I competed in Lockheed Martin’s Code Quest programming competition all four years. I did it just because I enjoyed doing programming contests, but by my junior year, the company announced they’d be opening an exclusive internship application for participants of the contest — and I jumped on it. I applied to Lockheed, had a couple of interviews, and then before I knew it, I was a software engineering intern in my junior year of high school.

Participating in programming contests isn’t the only way, though; there are a few key strategies I think are useful when trying to seek out an internship while in high school. This advice also applies to any major — though, I’ll be speaking from the perspective of someone going into computer science.

Participate in Company Competition and Events

This is a big one (it’s how I got my internship), and it’s approachable no matter where you live. Lots of companies host programming competitions. Lockheed Martin’s Code Quest competition is held at 27 locations across the United States (as well as in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Singapore).

If you’re close to any of those locations, I’d encourage participating in the contest and applying for their program.

A lot of companies also host corporate hackathons that anyone can participate in. JP Morgan is one such company that hosts a hackathon that many people receive internships from. Don’t be discouraged to apply to something if it says it’s for college students only — you never know who’ll be reading your application.

Additionally, lots of companies show up to university hackathons, and a lot of those hackathons allow any student to compete. Try asking your local university if high schoolers are allowed to join their competition, and I’m sure an affirmative response will come your way.

Reach out to Smaller Local Companies

When most people think of internships they immediately think Google or bust. This is an awful mindset. You don’t have to start at a FAANG company to make it — you can start anywhere.

There are a lot of smaller tech companies and startups in every city that’d be happy to interview high schoolers. The company Sighthound took on high schoolers as interns in Orlando.

Obviously a smaller company, this is a prime example of the type of company you’d want to reach out to. If you try to reach out to a Google or Facebook, typically you’d reach an automated service or a recruiter who is only interested in interviewing top-tier college students.

With a smaller local company, there’s a greater chance for real human interaction. If you contact them, there’s a better chance you’d be able to talk to a real person at the company about your aspiration and what you hope to accomplish.

Even if that local company isn’t seeking or doesn't allow high school interns — ask if you can shadow a software engineer there. You’d be able to learn what goes on in their day and create a connection with that engineer that may prove valuable later on (when you get into college, you have a great contact to reach out to for a job).

The important lesson here is to get creative in your approach, there’s more to the search than applying to Facebook and calling it a day — there’s a ton of companies and tons of opportunities out there to be found.

Reach Out to Major Companies If You Live in a Tech Hub

This is my only piece of advice that depends on where you live. I grew up in Orlando — not a major tech hub — so this advice didn’t apply to me. But if you live in New York City, Seattle, the Bay, or even a regional tech hub like Atlanta or Dallas, then this applies to you.

A lot of major companies (think Big N) will host local interns. Microsoft has an internship program for local high schoolers in Seattle. Bloomberg hosts New York City high schoolers as interns. BlackRock similarly hosts high school interns if you’re fortunate enough to live near one of their offices.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more companies that do this, and even if it’s not a company-wide policy, you can always reach out to your local office and see what they say — the worst they can do is say no.

“I Really Tried to Get an Internship in High School, and I Failed”

That’s totally fine. Most kids don’t get an internship in high school. There’s still a lot to be gained from the hunt. You’ve learned about different companies, the recruitment process, and how to apply for jobs — those are invaluable skills that you’ll carry with you into college.

So whether you attempt to get a high school internship and fail or you do get one, remember to keep your eyes peeled for all the opportunities once you get into college. And make sure to enjoy the process along the way.