今日推荐开源项目:《3D模型 model-viewer》
今日推荐英文原文:《What Can the Tech Industry Do?》

今日推荐开源项目:《3D模型 model-viewer》传送门:GitHub链接
今日推荐英文原文:《What Can the Tech Industry Do?》作者:Theresa Semackor
What Can the Tech Industry Do?
How you can help encourage more diversity and bring change to the tech industry
George Floyd — a black man who will be etched into modern-day history. A man that sparked change and discussion around race relations. A man that in 2020, was murdered in broad daylight by police officers. Like many others, my hope is those involved will be brought to justice and that this will ignite a continued effort to bring equality to black people around the world.In each area of society, we need to work to dismantle systemic racism and improve the economic power that black people have. One industry — the one I work in, the one I enjoy, the one we all benefit from — is technology. Plenty has been written surrounding problems regarding diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, and with recent events, I think the case for diversity becomes even more overwhelming at this point.
Efforts so far haven’t ignited huge change, but change is happening.
I am part of a network called TLA Black Women in Tech. It’s part of the wider Tech London Advocates (TLA) network — both aim to amplify the voices of technology in the UK. TLA Black Women in Tech, in particular, was set up to support, mentor, and encourage diversity and inclusion in the UK. They post job, funding and network opportunities, events, and anything that helps move the industry forward in regards to black women.
Meet Andy Davis, a black angel investor that is dedicated to pushing the culture forward and investing in black founders. Every Monday at 7 p.m. on his Instagram, black founders have the opportunity to pitch to him and his very engaged audience.
Meet Jermaine Craig, who built Kwanda, a platform for people to invest in projects that benefit the black community.
There are so many other organisations and individuals that are pushing the culture and paying it forward showcasing why we need diversity in tech. It’s us that are invested in using our technical skills to elevate our community, therefore, more of us are needed!
So, What Can the Wider Technology Community Do?
First and foremost, hire a more diverse workforce. All the obvious job networks are great, but why not in addition utilise job networks that are focussed on black and minority workers?Engage your local community. When I worked at Microsoft, they partnered with a charity that brought inner-city kids into our office, who were mentored by a group of us. Although I am not sure what happened to all the children we mentored, the environment of Microsoft in itself is so inspiring that I can only believe it had a positive impact on their future goals.
Choose an organisation that is focussed on black development and work with them — whether it is financially, by providing speakers, mentoring and anything else that makes sense.
I know some people will read this and think why do we need to become more diverse, everything is working fine. As we know, the world is becoming more diverse, so one, there isn’t really an excuse anymore — but don’t you want to create technology that represents our changing world?
There are so many amazing black companies that, due to the typical VC landscape, just don’t understand the product, the founder, the community and therefore so many amazing companies are underfunded and don’t grow as quickly as they could have.
And last but not least, it’s fun — working in a workplace that has a range of different individuals, with different perspectives, and different cultures, makes for a more interesting workday.
This list is by no means exhaustive but starting points to move the needle in the right direction.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Until next time,