今日推荐开源项目:《精选Windows工具 Awesome》
今日推荐英文原文:《My First Line Of Code》

今日推荐开源项目:《精选Windows工具 Awesome》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:该项目包含 Windows 上优质或精选的最佳应用程序及工具列表。开源和免费软件在项目中都有标注,看看有什么需要的吧。
今日推荐英文原文:《My First Line Of Code》作者:Adam Momen
推荐理由:还记得你的第一个“Hello World!”吗?本文叙述了作者编程经历的开端,黑屏上打出的第一个Hello World,在 Stack Overflow 上提的第一个问题,是否也是你记忆的一部分呢?
My First Line Of Code
Flashing back two years ago, on my first freshman year at college I had a programming course on my curriculum, it is similar to cs50 course but away simpler, it is designed to teach students fundamentals of programming which was taught in C++, at that time I will walk you through the story of my first line of code ever that was the beginning of my career at programming.
The Dark Side Of “Hello World”

(Hello World on the black screen of the complier)My first programming lecture ever, I have entered the classroom seeing a bunch of geeks wearing glasses, at that moment I was thinking what in the world am I doing here, however, I pulled my self together and I saw an empty desktop, and I sat down. I looked around I saw my teacher, she was a young lady in her mid-twenties and was recently graduated, few minutes had gone by, we have started to introduce each other, I realized that she is friendly, and you probably think that everything went fine and this is the end of the story, oh no no no!, that is only happening in Disney land, however, out of nowhere she told us to turn on the computer and to prepare ourselves for a programming test, it was shock, I felt like a lightning just stroke me, she told us to write a program that shows “Hello World” on the black screen, and you have to finish it before the end of the period, at that time for the course material we were using a TurboC compiler which was old compiler which is programmed in DoS and require emulator to run the compiler, TurboC has a user interface colour of blue and grey, without mentioning the black screen prison when you that logs the compiled code, and there isn’t even a mouse cursor to navigate.
I was freaking out, I didn’t know what to do. I was saying to my self how in the world would I do that. I was thrown off on my head banging my head to the wall trying to solve it I was thinking that programming is hard and requires intelligent people to code!. But I started to put more effort and time to understand and learn from each mistake I make, sooner I have started to solve problems! more and more, and I was amazed by the emotional reward, I have started to have different perspective toward programming. I guess that writing code is not that hard after all.
My First Stack Overflow Question!

(My first question on StackOverflow (Character Counter))One day in the middle of the semester my teacher gave us a problem it was at end of the week when she started to explain the problem, the bell rang it was the end of the period, everyone one started to pack up and get ready to leave, but I have decided to stay a little bit longer to work on the problem.
I remember on that day, the problem was the only thing on my head I have opened my laptop started digging the problem trying to solve it. After two days of banging my head to the wall not being able to solve it, I have started googling the problem. I have discovered for the first time StackOverflow. I was amazed by it. I did not know that there is a community of programmers all over the world on one platform, so I wrote my first question at stack overflow, guess what it was terrible.

(Replies of my question on Stack Overflow)I have posted the entire code snippet in the comment section and everyone started to rage out as it was against the rules of StackOverflow question asking. Don’t worry I am sort of google’s ready software engineer, but I have learnt from mistakes, however, multiple people suggested some answers, but most of them were not that related to my problem until one guy gave me pseudocode which was the key to solve the problem. back then I was very happy with the solution.
Next day at school, it was the beginning of the week, and it was the time to submit the solution of the problem, surprisingly I found out that I was the only one who solved it. It was one of the moments of life which I felt like I have achieved something special.
Now each time I remember these memories I feel nostalgic know how my passion for programming grew with me the motivation and driving force that keeps pushing me forward towards learning and discovering.