今日推荐开源项目:《在线画图 drawio》
今日推荐英文原文:《Time is Ripe for Github Disruption》

今日推荐开源项目:《在线画图 drawio》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:现在使用浏览器页面代替桌面软件的趋势已经产生,很多需要即刻使用的软件都可以不通过安装而是直接通过浏览器使用了。这个项目是一个可以快速画出各种图的项目,包括工程用图和 UML 相关图等等,你可以选择将图片存储于云端或者是本地硬盘上,而不需要额外的安装步骤,相比于功能更详尽的安装软件,使用简单功能的浏览器页面有它独有的快速使用的益处。

今日推荐英文原文:《Time is Ripe for Github Disruption》作者:Pen Magnet
推荐理由:一些对 GitHub 能做的更好的方向的见解
Time is Ripe for Github Disruption
In 2010, my friend advised me to create a Github account for my side projects. At that time, I had nothing going on commercially. I was employed in a Fortune 500 company. I had some online tutorials with code samples to showcase my skills.By 2009, Github was already boasting 100000+ users. But I ended up creating my Github very late in 2014 when I knew I couldn’t stay relevant as a senior developer in the market without it.
I don’t know why, but I never saw much value in making my best creations available to the world just for the sake of a few employers.
Today, Github is rich. Acquired by Microsoft for $7.5B, it has a success story every developer envies. And I am a satisfied user too, for it allows unlimited private repos with the blessings of its new master.
But sometimes I am still puzzled what were the real reasons I avoided being a regular Github user for a long time. True, I did not have a huge collaboration with my freelance client teams. When I had, it was done using Bitbucket.
Github sold private repos, yet it thrived on amazing revenue growth (300%+ during 2012).
Where Github can be beaten?
With the over-flooding of free cloud space, Github free unlimited private repos are a boon today for many.But if you consider what it did for the open-source movement vs what it could do now given its position, there is much to be desired.
That’s where Github could be beaten.
No Cookies for Indie Developers:
Github provides you space to privately store your code. But after all, if you are an indie developer, it’s just some space. You get to upload your stuff with a handful of Git commands. You have no teams to collaborate with. Dropbox or Google Drive won’t be very different.What about users who want to show off their code to the world? Most popular repos on Github today have been popularized using popular twitter handles and high ranking blogs.
You rule Github if you already have your influence outside Github.Useless interview question repos got 10k+ stars, while quality work remains undiscovered. Curated tech repos (example: Awesome iOS) collect quality repos under an umbrella, but masters control and govern them in monopolistic ways.
Github has no curation standards of its own except Topics (discussed later in this article), and lets them have a free rein over these huge repos.
No Payouts to Quality Contributors:
I rarely received any recognition on Github for my own repos, though the work I contributed had saved 2 person-weeks each time it was to be done.I tried to get it under one of the curated repos to get more stars, but I got no response from repo owners.
I felt disappointed.
But when I read a piece about how fabulous Github contributors get nothing for their stars and forks, I was shaken:https://medium.com/@kitze/github-stars-wont-pay-your-rent-8b348e12baed
Mine wasn’t the worst case after all.
In the last decade, Microsoft has shown some great momentum towards open source. But what it will do with some extremely precious piece of software that runs the world remains unclear.
In May 2019, Github announced to match up to $5000 support for projects that are already funded by external supporters. Something to imitate the Patreon business model.
But what does it say about Github’s own evaluation of developers’ contributions? Do they recognize them simply because someone else decided that work is worth financial support?
Where is Github’s own recognition of developers whose work has made them a billionaire megalith with code repos that almost runs the world?
Poorly Curated Featured Section:
Curation is any platform’s way of identifying quality contributors.Github has this place called topics.
It has 5 tabs. Explore section shows you repos which may be of your interest based on your own programming language. Such a wide filter!
Then there is trending, where already big players make it bigger.
A curious section called Collection grabbed my attention. But seeing already successful repos there again disappointed me.
Topics weren’t diverse enough too.
If you really look at StackExchange community, you will get an idea what software topics really are. Above is a snapshot taken from their sites collection. It’s just 33% of the entire image. While it has non-software communities, software ones stand out in larger proportion.
There is no place on Github to feature your newly published repo (quality notwithstanding) even for 5 seconds.
Where is an average developer’s path to success on Github?
With gigantic data science algorithms running behind every cloud endpoint, a smart code repo storage can surely do much better, given the place where they stand today.
An established platform’s problems are business opportunities for fresh and innovative startups.Github has been a great place, and will always be. But being a cloud wrapper around an open-source version-control system has bestowed upon it more than their fair share.
It was a great milestone in the open-source movement, but it need not be an end.
Time is ripe for a newer public version control provider to start and make a killing.