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今日推荐开源项目:《自动验证 policr》
今日推荐英文原文:《3½ Reasons Why You Should Be Using Vim》

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今日推荐英文原文:《3½ Reasons Why You Should Be Using Vim》作者:Tate Galbraith

3½ Reasons Why You Should Be Using Vim

Whether or not to use Vim is a heated debate among software engineers. This is an argument similar to the audio industry’s analog-vs.-digital fight which predates some of you (and me).

In most engineers’ minds, Vim is an old, outdated text editor that lacks advanced functionality and the creature comforts of a modern IDE. In reality, Vim is so much more than just an old text editor.

Vim is like a manual transmission automobile.

You have to learn how to drive it. Gears must be shifted manually, but once you get used to it, the experience becomes exponentially more rewarding and enjoyable. You’re actively driving: cruising down winding roads, shifting gears with great finesse, fully focused. You are connected to the car, and it becomes an extension of yourself.

This is what Vim is like, and these are the reasons why it’s so rewarding to use.

1. Not Using Your Mouse

A mouse is useless when you’re using Vim. You are forced to do everything with the keyboard, and it will make you a stronger, more efficient developer.

The more you take your hands off the keyboard and touch the mouse, the less effective you are while working.

Each mouse movement is effectively a mini-context switch that slowly destroys your overall speed. Learn to use keyboard shortcuts.

A benefit of Vim is that it’s entirely keyboard shortcuts. You can’t use the mouse.

Get used to it.

2. Developing Natively

Vim or vi is available by default on most Unix systems. These editors function entirely on the command line without the need for a GUI, making them far more versatile and lightweight.

Being entirely command-line driven comes in handy when you are connected to a remote system via SSH and need to edit a file or even develop on the fly.

This is also important when using an operating system like Ubuntu Server, which does not include a GUI by default.

You no longer have to manage moving files back and forth between systems. You don’t have to use SSHFS to mount the remote system. All you have to do it open vim (maybe take your configuration with you), edit, and :wq.

3. No Distractions

Do you really need autocomplete and integrated-code analysis? Do you really need a fancy, bloated Electron UI (looking at you Atom)?

Learn to think in terms of simplicity. Vim removes all of the distraction of a big clunky IDE and brings you back to the thing that really matters: the code.

You become more methodical and exacting when using Vim. You are more aware of what file you’re currently editing, what directory you’re in, and where things are — even when they’re not displayed in front of you.

Making edits, cutting, pasting, and moving between files becomes much more tactile and purposeful because of the simplicity of the editor.

Sure, sometimes you might need additional functionality. There are plenty of Vim plugins at your fingertips for every purpose. These plugins are mostly a-la-carte, and that’s how it should be. You choose what you need and leave what you don’t.

Managing plugins is a breeze using Pathogen and a little patience. For a great list of the best Vim plugins, check out this article.

3½ Street Cred

Other developers who don’t use Vim may think you’re either insane or elite for using it. Use this judgment from your peers to your advantage, and let it fuel your productivity.

Remember, you can develop much faster than them because Vim uses far less memory than their humongous modern IDE.

Whether you are on the fence about switching to Vim or are forced to use it due to other factors, you can learn to love it. You can make it an extension of yourself.

Vim is the sharpest of chef’s knives that garners the utmost respect.

You cut with it or get cut by it.