今日推荐开源项目:《魔幻线条 curvejs》
今日推荐英文原文:《Why Everyone is Telling You to Read the Docs.》

今日推荐开源项目:《魔幻线条 curvejs》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:在你的浏览器页面上利用三次贝塞尔曲线生成跳动的魔幻线条——简而言之,效果就像以前 Windows 屏保的变幻线一样。只需要提供点,颜色和随机值之类的自定义数值,而不需要考虑自己解决阴影特效,就能够自己让线条开始跳舞,自己写一个然后把浏览器全屏了假装屏保也没有什么违和感(尽管这并不会起到实质性作用)。
今日推荐英文原文:《Why Everyone is Telling You to Read the Docs.》作者:Brandon Pampuch
Why Everyone is Telling You to Read the Docs.
I have a confession to make. Until recently I rarely read the docs. I believed they were not for me. I couldn’t stay focused on written materials for more than a few minutes, but I could remember every lecture or conversation about coding with clarity.When we begin coding there is a natural tendency to lean towards video instruction. It is easy to follow and the results are immediate. Therefore we sometimes stick to video tutorials, courses, and lectures exclusively later in our learning journey. We begin to believe they are more efficient or “the way I learn”.
As you become more comfortable with coding, and as you begin to see the full stack from the trees, the way you learn changes. You know how apps work and therefore you are not afraid to break them. You start to consume information more quickly and need less instruction.
At that point, there are huge payoffs for beginning to use source docs.
- Docs are faster. In the docs you will often be looking for the information you don’t know, not a complete tutorial front to back.
- The information will be up to date. You will never have to wonder if a newer version has a different syntax or expanded functionality.
- You can decide how to use a certain language, library or framework instead of having someone tell you how they would use it.