今日推荐开源项目:《静可生动 awesome-static-analysis》
今日推荐英文原文:《Competing with AI for Your Design Job》
今日推荐开源项目:《静可生动 awesome-static-analysis》传送门:GitHub链接
今日推荐英文原文:《Competing with AI for Your Design Job》作者:Cosmin Serban
推荐理由:如果有一天 AI 作为设计师工作了,设计师会怎么样呢
Competing with AI for Your Design Job
In opposition to natural intelligence demonstrated by (most) humans, AI — or artificial intelligence — is a series of cognitive processes (like understanding, learning, decision making and, if needed, self-correction) imitated by computer systems.
A robotic revolution has already started and most of us are enjoying the perks without necessarily thinking about all the ways this change could affect the way we make a living.
Drones, self-driving cars, Pandora, voice to text, smart personal assistants (like Cortana, Alexa, Siri or Google Now), these things are not a glimpse into the future anymore. Most of us are using some, if not all of them on a regular basis.
So, I guess it’s safe to say that the “future” is not near, but already here. Robots and AI are consistently used in most fields and are being prepared to take over even more tasks.
And because no one likes lengthy introductions, let me get straight to the point of this article and explain why some people have the right to feel uncomfortable regarding the speed AI is replacing humans by stealing their jobs and who can rest easy, at least for a while longer.
The short, easy, answer is this one: AI can easily take your job (and do it far better than you ever could), if said job consists of several repetitive, systematic steps or sequences. These steps can be simplified and taken over by AI, something that is already happening and is predicted to replace around two billion people by 2030.
Since design and art in general is what we’re interested in, we are lucky. We can relax for now. Art and creative thinking tend to be more complex and these areas are not something AI can deal with. Not in the near future, at least. What separates and puts us, human designers, well above AI is not our ability to think but how we do it. We’re emotionally driven creatures.
Sketching out ideas for the illustration.
An especially good day or a terrible one can make a huge difference in our work. The same exact idea can be translated in a million different ways by a million different designers just because of that — emotions.
That’s what makes us unpredictable and that’s exactly why it works.
As a designer, I can’t tell you how many times I added or deleted something by mistake, hit a wrong key that made me rethink the whole concept. Or how many times did I take an obvious mistake and made it the main focus of my campaign. Even if AI gets to a point where it can do our jobs, are we willing to give up the possibility of “happy accidents” as it so often happens in the creative field?
“When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something.” — Steve Jobs
AI needs rules to follow. It needs problems it can find solutions to. It can take over tasks linked to speed and optimization, taking care of basic prototypes, analyzing massive amount of data, suggesting design modification and even translating your work in multiple languages, if needed. Netflix in already using AI for jobs like artwork and banner translation. The system takes the main version and translates it almost instantly. All the designer team has to do is go through the graphics and approve or adjust them.
On a different approach, Nutella came up with the idea to launch a campaign with the intention of selling 7 million jars, every single one with a unique label. AI handled the task wonderfully and created the 7 million versions in a matter of hours, which then sold all Nutella jars in less than a month. What an insanely boring job for a designer and what a perfect job for AI, don’t you think?
The limitations we have as humans, AI can find a way to surpass them. But the limitations AI has in the artistic field… well, that’s a whole different story and one that might take a while to solve. That thing that makes you, you is not that easily replaceable. Instead of fearing the future and all the ways AI could change or, much worse, steal our jobs, how about if we try to look at it as team work? Like it or not, AI still needs us, much more than we need it.
In conclusion
I believe the healthiest way for now, is to look at AI as more of an assistant or collaborator than the enemy. For designers, there are some areas that are truly boring and unstimulating and they can transform a creative day into a creative blockage. And this is where AI will come in handy.You can spend your time dealing with the innovative, exciting part of your job and let AI deal with the tedious, repetitive tasks. Wouldn’t that make your life much easier?