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今日推薦英文原文:《Top JavaScript Trends To Look For In 2019》作者:Mantra Malhotra
推薦理由:JS 中流行的技術,包括一些流行框架和庫,如果要著手開發新項目或者學習一些 JS 中的技術的話不妨看一下它們,它們之所以流行的原因自然是相比於其他同類技術擁有自己的優勢,而這些優勢在開發上可以更好的發揮作用。
Top JavaScript Trends To Look For In 2019
As we know that the digital world is multi-layered, several pieces of technology come together to offer you an experience through a smart screen.
If you ever think about how web pages and websites are giving your business a boost, then there are many things behind the curtain. In this blog, we will break down such technologies/trends which you should know.
The development of JavaScript is changing rapidly, especially in the last twelve months. 2018 was a year with a lot of action, changes and new initiatives in front-end web development. The race to become the preferred JavaScript framework has heated up, as more projects have started to choose to React js including Vue over Angular.
If you are a startup or a small business, it is worth taking a look at all the new trends that have emerged over the past year. These new frameworks and integrations could be the key to putting your foot in the door of new innovative projects.
Let』s take a look at the major trends in JavaScript so you are up to date and ahead of the game.
1) GraphQL

Many consider that GraphQL is the replacement for the REST APIs in the future. However, REST and GraphQL do not necessarily have to be competitors, and one is not better than the other for all applications.
GraphQL is a query language that allows developers to make more specific requests from the server and package these requests in a simple way. GraphQL integrates with React through the Relay framework. It is an important trend for server requests and JavaScript APIs to advance, and it is another language that is worth trying.
2) Reason

Facebook is using Reason in production to drive the Messenger web application. The reason is a compilation of JavaScript language. It also includes a Reason React wrapper that allows you to write the Reason code that is compiled into React JS.
The reason is a functional and static type programming language that can drive web applications on a single page. It allows you to write security code of type that plays well with JavaScript and OCaml.
This is definitely an emerging trend that is worth seeing (and perhaps some experimentation with a parallel project) if you are a JavaScript developer.
3) Next.js

Next.js is a minimalist framework for JavaScript applications. Helps simplify the implementation experience of an application. When combined with React, you can get all the powerful React functionality at the same time you get a simple experience similar to Vue in terms of tools, code division, routing, etc.
Next.js works to make your JavaScript run universally, whether on a server, computer or mobile device. It helps to create universal applications represented on the server with a minimum code and learning curve.
It is definitely worth learning if you have not done it yet, especially because it works well with React to create powerful universal applications. 2018 will probably see continued growth for Next.js.
4) ReactJS

React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces maintained by Facebook. It is ideal for large web applications that use data and allow changes over time without reloading the page.
React simplifies the creation of interactive user interfaces and can be used in combination with other libraries or JS frameworks such as AngularJS. React has the backing of Facebook and its community has grown along with its popularity.
5) AngularJS

Google maintains an open source framework based on JavaScript for front-end web applications that is known as AngularJS. It addresses many of the challenges encountered by developers when developing single-page applications.
Backed by Google and supported by a diverse community, it was the dominant player in JavaScript. It is still an important force and used by many startups as well as already established businesses today.
So far, we have covered some of the many emerging trends in the development of JavaScript and front-end web applications in this blog. Luckily, you have found something new to try for your business be it a startup or a large scale one.
JavaScript is constantly changing, and there are likely to be new leading technologies for this date next year. Staying ahead of the curve is a challenge, but it is important for front-end developers who want to work at the top of their game on the most exciting projects.
ValueCoders is a leading software development company in India having a team of expert JavaScript developers who have successfully delivered more than 4200 projects to 2500+ satisfied customers. It is also providing expert software testing services to its clients since 2004.
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