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今日推荐开源项目:《这些 demo 看着让人头晕 Pts》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:一个用于可视化和创造性代码的 JS 库……说真的,如果想要在这上面寻找创意的话可算是来对地方了,官网上放着的各种 demo 真的是秀到头皮发麻,看久了甚至还会头晕。如果你想试试看这些可能见都没见过的 demo ,完全可以来这里看看,即使不用,全程观光也是非常值得的。
今日推荐英文原文:《Minesweeper in TypeScript and React》作者:Tomche Delev
推荐理由:用 TypeScript 和 React 制作自己的扫雷,自己玩自己的扫雷还是很有意思的
Minesweeper in TypeScript and React
One of the games that I occasionally play to relax is Minesweeper.
I have extensive experience with JavaScript front-end technologies starting from jQuery and nowadays Angular. Being open to new technologies I have tried React in few hello world projects. Implementing Minesweeper in TypeScript and React seemed like an interesting challenge and opportunity to learn more.
In this post I will try to explain how I did it and maybe encourage or learn you how to implement your clone of this or maybe some other game.
If you’re just interested in seeing the final solution visit or clone the GitHub repository or if you just want to play it click here.
Before we start
You will need to have installed (or install) on your machine:
- NodeJS and npm
- Yarn (optional)
- Create React App
Creating React Application
We will bootstrap the React project with using the option --script-version=react-script-ts
that would instruct create-react-app
to use Create React App (with TypeScript) configuration.
In my previous experience with Angular I find TypeScript a real joy to work. And having daily experience with statically typed languages (Java, Kotlin) I was not interested in using pure ES6. On the other side, learning and investing time in Flow was not worth it having a previous (great) experience with TypeScript. Read this great article to find out more about using TypeScript + React.
npx create-react-app --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts minesweeper
To start the application just execute:
cd minesweeper
npm start
# or yarn start
Structuring the React app
One of the important steps in implementing any React application is how to brake down the UI in components and how to compose them. On the following image is the structure of the React components that we will need to implement for Minesweeper.

The final design was to brake down the game in three separate components:
- will host a single square that is a possible mine, number indicating of neighbour bombs or just empty square if no bombs aroundMineField
- will host the game container as a grid (rows x columns) of minesTimer
- will be an external component that will show the elapsed time since the game started.
Next create a directory components
in your src
directory and create a separate file for each of the listed components.
This is how an empty component should look like:
import * as React from "react"; export const MineField = (props: PropType) => ( <div className="game-board"> {'MineField'} </div> );
In React you can create components as class that extends the React.Component
class or as functions (possibly arrow) for functional (stateless) components.
Minesweeper game domain
The game domain are the classes and data structures used to represent the state of the game.
export interface Point { x: number; y: number; } /** * bombs = -1 - it is a bomb * bombs >= 0 - count of bombs around */ export class Mine { constructor(public position: Point, public isOpened = false, public bombs = 0, public isFlagged = false, ) { } } export class Game { constructor(public state: Array<Array<Mine>>, public totalBombs = 0, public exploded = false ) { } }
The game Minesweeper is represented as two-dimensional array (matrix) of mines Array<Array<Mine>>
or Mine[][]
. Each Mine
(x,y coordinates) in the matrix of minesisOpened
a boolean field which is true when a mine field is openedbombs
a number which encodes if there is a bomb (-1) or positive number representing the count of bombs around that mine.isFlagged
which represents if the mine is marked (flagged) by the user as potential bomb.
It was really hard to get the naming right for the game domain, having to deal with mines/bombs, mine field as single field with mine or field of mines :).
The Game
class represents the state of the Minesweeper game which is the two dimensional array of mines. Also it contains auxiliary fields for the count of total bombs and state if there is exploded bomb (game is finished).
MineSquare component
The MineSquare
is a functional (stateless) component. That means that it should render the property field: Mine
and just propagate an event when interaction happens. It can not keep or mutate any state.
export const MineSquare = (props: MineProps) => { const field = props.field; return ( <button className={'mine-button' + (field.isOpened ? '' : ' mine-opened')} tabIndex={props.index} onClick={() => props.onLeftClick(field)}> {renderField(field)} </button> ); }; function renderField(field: Mine) { if (field.isOpened) { if (field.bombs > 0) { return (<span className={`bombs-${field.bombs}`}>{field.bombs}</span>); } else if (field.bombs == 0) { return '' } else { return (<i className='fas fa-xs fa-bomb bomb'/>); } } else { if (field.isFlagged) { return (<i className='fas fa-xs fa-flag'/>); } else { return ''; } } } export interface MineProps { index: number; field: Mine; onLeftClick: (field: Mine) => void; }
The Mine
will be rendered as HTML button
element since the click is the natural interaction for this HTML element. Depending on the state of the field: Mine
we will render the different content inside the button
element. The function renderField(field: Mine)
does exactly that. So when the field is opened (user explored that field) it can be:
bombs == -1
so we render a bomb (using FontAwesome bomb icon for this)bombs == 0
the field is just emptybombs > 0
we render the number of bombs in that field.
When the field is opened and flagged we render a flag icon.
The component propagates the mouse onClick
event to indicate user interaction with this field.
In minesweeper there are two types of interaction user can have with a field, to explore it or to flag it as potential mine. Maybe better choice is to represent these with different events such as mouse left and right click. But because of a buggy behaviour of the right click, my final choice was to encode these two different events with only left click and a pressed state of a certain keyboard key (ctrl in my case).
MineField component
The MineField
component is also functional and is responsible of rendering the full state of the game (the two-dimensional array of mines). Each field
is rendered as a separate MineSquare
component. It will also propagate the click event from each MineSquare
export const MineField = (props: MineFieldProps) => ( <div className="game-board"> { props.game.state.map((row, i) => ( <div key={i} className="board-row"> { row.map((field, j) => ( <MineSquare key={`${i}-${j}`} index={j + row.length} field={field} onLeftClick={(field) => props.onLeftClick(field)}/> ) ) } </div> ) ) } </div> ); export interface MineFieldProps { game: Game; onLeftClick: (field: Mine) => void; }
This component is very simple, it should just render the two-dimensional array of mines as grid. Each row is grouped in a separate HTML container div
element and with CSS it is all aligned. To uniquely identify each row we can use the row index i
as a React key
property, and for each MineSquare
component the key
would be the combination of indices i
and j
(the current row and column).
Timer component
The Timer
is another stateless component responsible for rendering the elapsed seconds since the game started. To render the seconds
in appropriate format 00:00
it uses a custom function secondsToString
from our utility module named time
export const Timer = (props: TimerProps) => ( <h3>{time.secondsToString(props.elapsedSeconds)}</h3> ); export interface TimerProps { elapsedSeconds: number; }
Here is the implementation of the secondsToString
function leadZero(num: number) { return num < 10 ? `0${num}` : `${num}`; } export const time = { secondsToString: function (seconds: number) { const min = Math.floor(seconds / 60); const sec = seconds % 60; return `${leadZero(min)}:${leadZero(sec)}`; } };
One of the known drawbacks of TypeScript and JavaScript language in general is the lack of powerful standard library. But instead of relying on myriad of external modules for simple functions such as
I think it’s better to just implement them.
Game state
So far we have implemented the simple (stateless) components of the game. To make the game alive we need to implement initialization of new game state (new game action) and all possible modifications.

Most of the simple games are following some kind of game loop as shown in the image above. The users through the UI are having interactions with the game and are generating actions. Sometimes actions are generated automatically as the time passing, but in Minesweeper that is not the case. On each action, the state of the game is modified and then rendered back on the UI.
In the case of Minesweeper, the user can make three possible actions on not opened field (mine square):
- mark it as potential bomb
- open it
and if the field is already opened the user can explore neighbours.
Generating new game state
Generating new game state means initializing the two-dimensional array of Mine
objects. Some of these mines need to be bombs and we make this decision by using pseudo-random number generator to implement sort of uniform distribution of a mine being a bomb. The BOMBS_PROBABILITY
(by default 0.15 or 15%) is the probability of a mine having a bomb. While we create mines we generate a pseudo-random number using Math.random()
which has generates a double with uniform distribution in the range of 0-0.99
After we have initialized the game state with Array<Array<Mine>>
we need to update the bombs
count of all mines that are neighbouring a bomb. The function fillBombsCount
does just that, by traversing all the neighbours of a mine and incrementing the bombs count for each neighbour that is a bomb.
The traverseNeighbours
is the utility function that iterates all eight (top left, top, top right, left, right, bottom left, bottom, bottom right) of the neighbours of a given mine.
const BOMBS_PROBABILITY = 0.15; const dx = [-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1]; const dy = [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]; function newGame(rows: number, columns: number): Game { let totalMines = 0; let estimatedMines = Math.floor(rows * columns * BOMBS_PROBABILITY); const state = Array(rows).fill(null).map((r, i: number) => { return Array(columns).fill(null).map((c, j: number) => { const isMine = Math.random() < BOMBS_PROBABILITY; if (isMine) { totalMines += 1; return new Mine({x: i, y: j}, false, -1, false); } else { return new Mine({x: i, y: j}, false, 0, false); } }); }); while (totalMines < estimatedMines) { const randX = Math.floor(Math.random() * rows); const randY = Math.floor(Math.random() * columns); if (!isMine(state[randX][randY])) { ++totalMines; state[randX][randY].bombs = -1; } } if (totalMines > estimatedMines) { const mines = state.map(row => row.filter(mine => !isMine(mine))) .reduce((prev, current) => prev.concat(current)); while (totalMines > estimatedMines) { const randMineIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * mines.length); mines[randMineIndex].bombs = 0; --totalMines; } } fillBombsCount(state); return new Game(state, totalMines); } function traverseNeighbours(fields: Array<Array<Mine>>, startMine: Mine, onField: (field: Mine) => Mine) { let inBounds = (point: Point) => point.x >= 0 && point.x < fields.length && point.y >= 0 && point.y < fields[0].length; const start = startMine.position; dx.map((x, i) => ({dx: x, dy: dy[i]})) .map(deltas => ({x: start.x + deltas.dx, y: start.y + deltas.dy})) .filter((point: Point) => inBounds(point)) .map((point: Point) => onField(fields[point.x][point.y])); /*for (let i = 0; i < dx.length; ++i) { let ii = start.x + dx[i]; let jj = start.y + dy[i]; if (ii >= 0 && ii < fields.length && jj >= 0 && jj < fields[0].length) { onField(fields[ii][jj]); } }*/ }
Updating game state
The function update
is a generic function for updating the game state without modifying it. It iterates all of the game state mines and applies a function f
that should apply the actual transformation for a mine. This function is used in all functions that need to update the game state in any way.
function update(game: Game, f: ((b: Mine) => Mine), exploded = false): Game { const updated = game.state.slice().map(row => { return row.slice().map(field => { return f(field); }); }); return new Game(updated, game.totalBombs, game.exploded || exploded); }
Mark mine field
The function markMine
is used for two user actions. The first action is when user wants to mark a mine field as a potential bomb. We do that, only when the current state of the field is not opened by updating the game state where we set that field as flagged and not opened. The second possible action for a user is to explore already opened field that has a count of bombs.
function markMine(game: Game, opened: Mine): Game { if (opened.isOpened && !opened.isFlagged) return exploreOpenedField(game, opened); return update(game, (field: Mine) => { if (field == opened) { return new Mine(field.position, false, field.bombs, !field.isFlagged); } else { return new Mine(field.position, field.isOpened, field.bombs, field.isFlagged); } }); }
Exploring opened field
To explore open field is a potentially game ending action that needs to explore all neighbour fields of that field. The opened field that a user explores must have all its neighbour bombs flagged right. If a neighbour field that is a bomb is not flagged, the game ends.
function exploreOpenedField(game: Game, opened: Mine): Game { const updated = update(game, (field: Mine) => field); let hitMine = false; traverseNeighbours(updated.state, opened, field => { if (!field.isOpened && !field.isFlagged) { if (isMine(field)) { hitMine = true; } else { field.isOpened = true; if (field.bombs == 0) { updateZeros(updated.state, field); } } } return field; }); if (hitMine) { return endGame(game); } return updated; }
To implement this function we use the generic traverseNeighbours
and for each neighbour field that is not opened and not flagged:
- if it’s a mine we should end the game
- if it’s not we should set as opened and if we open a zero-bomb field we should open all other connected zero-bomb fields.
Open mine
function endGame(game: Game): Game { return update(game, (field) => { if (isMine(field)) { return new Mine(field.position, true, field.bombs, field.isFlagged); } else { return new Mine(field.position, field.isOpened, field.bombs, field.isFlagged); } }, true); } function openMine(game: Game, field: Mine): Game { if (field.isFlagged) return game; else if (isMine(field)) { return endGame(game); } else { const openField = (openedField: Mine) => (field: Mine) => { if (field === openedField) { return new Mine(field.position, true, field.bombs, false); } else { return new Mine(field.position, field.isOpened, field.bombs, field.isFlagged); } }; let result = update(game, openField(field)); if (field.bombs == 0) { updateZeros(result.state, field); } return result; } }
Traversing connected zero-bomb fields
The function updateZeros
traverses using a recursive DFS (Depth-First Search) algorithm all connected zero-bomb fields.
function updateZeros(fields: Array<Array<Mine>>, start: Mine) { traverseNeighbours(fields, start, (field => { if (!field.isOpened && !isMine(field)) { field.isOpened = true; if (field.bombs == 0) { updateZeros(fields, field); } } return field; })); }
Check if game is completed
On each state modifying action we need to check if the state of game has reached an end state. For the game Minesweeper that state is when all the fields are explored correctly. That means that a mine field that contains a bomb is flagged and otherwise it’s opened.
function checkCompleted(game: Game): boolean { const and = (a: boolean, b: boolean) => a && b; return game.state.map(row => { return row.map(field => { return isMineCovered(field); }).reduce(and); }).reduce(and); } function isMineCovered(field: Mine) { if (isMine(field)) { return field.isFlagged; } else { return field.isOpened; } }
The function checkCompleted
checks for the end state by iterating all fields and mapping them in to a boolean
value. The true
value means field is explored correctly and false
means not explored correctly. Combining all these values using logical AND would yield final true
only if all fields are explored correctly, which would mean the end state is reached.
Count flagged fields
The function countFlagged
is used to count all the flagged fields in the game state to show the current progress of flagged/total bombs.
function countFlagged(game: Game): number { const plus = (a: number, b: number) => a + b; return game.state.map(row => { return row.map(field => { return field.isFlagged ? 1 : 0; }).reduce(plus, 0); }).reduce(plus, 0); }
Putting all together in App component
Once we have implemented all the game state modifications and checks we can put it all together. The actual game state is initialized and modified in the component App
class App extends React.Component<AppProps> { controlDown = false; startTime: Date; state = { rows: this.props.rows, columns: this.props.columns, game: game.newGame(this.props.rows, this.props.columns), completed: false, flagged: 0, elapsedSeconds: 0 }; isControlKey(code: string) { return code === "ControlLeft" || code === "ControlRight"; } timer: any; componentDidMount() { document.onkeydown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (this.isControlKey(e.code)) { this.controlDown = true; } }; document.onkeyup = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (this.isControlKey(e.code)) { this.controlDown = false; } }; this.startTimer(); } startTimer() { this.startTime = new Date(); this.timer = setInterval(() => { const now = new Date(); const elapsedMs = now.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime(); this.setState({ elapsedSeconds: Math.floor(elapsedMs / 1000) }); }, 1000); } updateState(field: Mine, updateFn: (game: Game, field: Mine) => Game) { this.setState((prevState: any, props) => { const updatedGame = updateFn(prevState.game, field); const completed = game.checkCompleted(updatedGame); if (completed || updatedGame.exploded) { clearInterval(this.timer); } return { game: updatedGame, completed: completed, flagged: game.countFlagged(updatedGame) }; }); } public onSquareLeftClick(field: Mine) { if (this.controlDown) { this.updateState(field, game.openMine); } else { this.updateState(field, game.markMine); } } startGame(rows: number, columns: number) { clearInterval(this.timer); this.startTimer(); this.setState({ rows: rows, columns: columns, game: game.newGame(rows, columns), completed: false, flagged: 0, elapsedSeconds: 0 }); } public render() { return ( <div className="game"> <div className="menu"> <ul className="level-menu"> <li onClick={(e) => this.startGame(6, 8)}>Easy</li> <li onClick={(e) => this.startGame(10, 14)}>Medium</li> <li onClick={(e) => this.startGame(20, 30)}>Hard</li> </ul> </div> <MineField game={this.state.game} onLeftClick={(field: Mine) => this.onSquareLeftClick(field)}/> <Timer elapsedSeconds={this.state.elapsedSeconds}/> <div className='status'>Completed: {this.state.completed ? 'YES' : 'NO'}</div> <div className='status'>{this.state.flagged}/{this.state.game.totalBombs}</div> <div className='help'> <h3>How to play</h3> <ol> <li>Left Click to mark possible mine or to explore fields around opened field</li> <li>Ctrl + Left Click to open field</li> </ol> </div> </div> ); } } export interface AppProps { rows: number; columns: number; }
The final piece of the puzzle, the App
component is the only stateful component that keeps and modifies the game state. The state of the component contains:
- the number of
of the Minesweeper grid - the game state
- the elapsed seconds since the game started
- the number of flagged fields (computed from the game state)
- and a boolean flag indicated if the game is completed (also computed from the game state).
The state is initialized at the beginning of the component on a new game state. We use the React lifecycle method componentDidMount
to bind two keyboard events onkeydown
and onkeyup
to track the state of ctrl key. We also start a timer using JavaScript setTimeout
function that we use to modify the elapsed seconds state.
The function updateState
is used to update the state of the React component using this.setState
. This is a HOF (higher-order function) that accepts the actual game state modification function as updateFn
as argument. Once the game state is modified, the final state of the component is updated and the UI should be rendered. This function is called on the user generated event onSquareLeftClick
. When the ctrl
button is down a mine is opened and otherwise mine is marked (or explored).
The actual rendering of the UI is pretty simple. We render a simple menu of three links that allow to start new game with the chosen difficulty. Then we render the MineField
component with the current game state and the Timer
component showing the elapsed seconds. Finally, we render a information on the current status of the game, such as is it completed and number of flagged fields vs total bombs.
Implementing any simple game is an interesting programming challenge. Many times a challenging part is to implement the game state and functions (algorithms) that mutate the state. Favouring functional programming I tried to implement most of these functions as mostly pure functions by using functional constructs such as map
and reduce
. Also, three out of four React components are functional (stateless or pure functions).
Hopefully sharing my solution and explaining it in this post was interesting and learning experience. If you feel inspired to start learning these technologies by implementing your own Minesweeper or other game, that would be great. And finally, it would be perfect if you also share your code and experience.
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