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今日推薦開源項目:《用於 Windows 的調試器 x64dbg》GitHub地址:https://github.com/x64dbg/x64dbg

推薦理由:一個為32位和64位 windows 系統準備的開源調試器。這個調試器在打開程序和程序啟動的入口處都設置了斷點,從而可以讓使用者觀察程序的狀態,比如 CPU 的地址及其地址的內容;內存的地址,大小,頁面信息,內容,類型等等等等。幾乎可以讓使用者在運行程序的同時完全的監視這個程序,還可以通過在程序中設置斷點來進一步觀察運行狀態。

開源周報2018年第3期:反編譯器上榜扎堆,JS庫 Nerv 顯神威


1.可以全功能的調試 dll 和 exe 文件

2.附帶跳轉箭頭的 IDA 側邊欄和 IDA 指令標記筆






今日推薦英文原文:《How a university network assistant used Linux in the 90s》

作者: 原文鏈接:https://opensource.com/article/18/5/my-linux-story-student

推薦理由:用著現代化的 GNOME 3,或者 Xfce 等桌面,你有想過20年前的 Linux 用戶過著怎樣的日子嗎?如果你用 CLI 也許差別不大,不過呢,90年代是怎麼使用,都用些什麼?聽聽這位大叔的回憶吧。

How a university network assistant used Linux in the 90s

In the mid-1990s, I was enrolled in computer science classes. My university』s computer science department provided a SunOS server—a multi-user, multitasking Unix system—for its students. We logged into it and wrote source code for the programming languages we were learning, such as C, C++, and ADA. In those days, well before social networks and instant messaging, we also used the system to communicate with each other, sending emails and using utilities such as write and talk. We were each also allowed to host a personal website. I enjoyed being able to complete my assignments and contact other users.

It was my first experience with this type of operating environment, but I soon learned about another operating system that could do the same thing: Linux.

While I was a student, I also worked part-time at the university. My first position was as a network installer in the Department of Housing and Residence (H&R). This involved connecting student dormitories to the campus network. As this was the university's first dormitory network service, only two buildings and about 75 students had been connected.

In my second year, the network expanded to cover an additional two buildings. H&R decided to let the university』s Office of Information Technology (OIT) manage this growing operation. I transferred to OIT and started the position of Student Assistant to the OIT Network Manager. That is how I discovered Linux. One of my new responsibilities was to manage the firewall systems that provided network and internet access to the dormitories.

Each student was registered with their hardware MAC address. Registered students could connect to the dorm network and receive an IP address and a route to the internet. Unlike the other expensive SunOS and VMS servers used by the university, these firewalls used low-cost computers running the free and open source Linux operating system. By the end of the year, the system had registered nearly 500 students.

The OIT network staff members were using Linux for HTTP, FTP, and other services. They also used Linux on their personal desktops. That's when I realized I had my hands on a computer system that looked and acted just like the expensive SunOS box in the CS department but without the high cost. Linux could run on commodity x86 hardware, such as a Dell Latitude with 8 MB of RAM and a 133Mhz Intel Pentium CPU. That was the selling point for me! I installed Red Hat Linux 5.2 on a box scavenged from the surplus warehouse and gave my friends login accounts.

While I used my new Linux server to host my website and provide accounts to my friends, it also offered graphics capabilities over the CS department server. Using the X Windows system, I could browse the web with Netscape Navigator, play music with XMMS, and try out different window managers. I could also download and compile other open source software and write my own code.

I learned that Linux offered some pretty advanced features, many of which were more convenient than or superior to more mainstream operating systems. For example, many operating systems did not yet offer simple ways to apply updates. In Linux, this was easy, thanks to autoRPM, an update manager written by Kirk Bauer, which sent the root user a daily email with available updates. It had an intuitive interface for reviewing and selecting software updates to install—pretty amazing for the mid-'90s.

Linux may not have been well-known back then, and it was often received with skepticism, but I was convinced it would survive. And survive it did!

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