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今日推荐开源项目:《React Native》
今日推荐英文原文:《React 19: A Deep Dive into the Upcoming Major Release》


今日推荐开源项目:《React Native》传送门:项目链接

推荐理由: React Native是Facebook开发的一个用于构建本地移动应用程序的框架。它将React的声明式UI框架带到了iOS和Android平台上。通过React Native,你可以使用本地UI控件,并完全访问本地平台
React Native具有许多优点,比如说:写交互UI变得更加容易和可预测;它基于组件,使得构建复杂UI变得更加容易


今日推荐英文原文:[https://dev.to/ashishxcode/react-19-a-deep-dive-into-the-upcoming-major-release-1pa7](React 19: A Deep Dive into the Upcoming Major Release

推荐理由:React 19是一个即将发布的重大版本,它带来一些新功能和性能提升,其中包括React Compiler、Actions、Server Components、Asset Loading、Document Metadata和Web Components等,还是非常值得期待的

React 19: A Deep Dive into the Upcoming Major Release


The highly anticipated release of React 19 is drawing closer, promising a plethora of exciting new features and performance enhancements. In this article, we'll take a comprehensive look at what React 19 has in store for developers, exploring not only the headline features but also the intricate aspects that empower developers to create more performant, dynamic, and engaging user interfaces.

React Compiler

Originally a research project, the React compiler has evolved into a vital component of production at Instagram.com. This innovative tool addresses the issue of excessive re-rendering in React applications, a common pain point for developers. While traditional approaches like manual memoization techniques such as useMemo and useCallback have been effective, they can be cumbersome and error-prone.

The React Compiler takes a different approach, automatically optimizing code without compromising the core mental model of React. It leverages its understanding of both JavaScript and React's rules to safely rewrite code for efficiency. This can significantly improve rendering performance, resulting in smoother user experiences, especially in complex data visualization components that frequently re-render.


A groundbreaking addition in React 19 is the introduction of Actions, enabling seamless integration of functions with DOM elements such as <form/>. With Actions, developers can effortlessly execute both synchronous and asynchronous operations, streamlining data submission management and state updates. This paradigm shift towards unified client and server data handling promises a more cohesive programming model across diverse environments, simplifying form interactions and data submissions.

<form action={search}>
  <input name="query" />
  <button type="submit">Search</button>

Server Components: Unleashing the Power of Server-Side Rendering

Slow initial page loads and SEO woes can be addressed with Server Components, a game-changer for React development. By rendering components directly on the server using Server Components, developers can deliver lightning-fast first impressions and boost search engine ranking. This is particularly beneficial for content-heavy applications or those that require high SEO performance.

Asset Loading: Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Ever encountered flickering text or layout shifts while waiting for stylesheets or fonts to load? Asset Loading integrates Suspense with resource loading, ensuring a smooth and seamless user experience. For instance, consider a product page with high-resolution images. Asset Loading ensures the image is ready before displaying it, preventing jarring disruptions and creating a polished UI.

Document Metadata: Taking Control of Head Elements

Managing <title>,<meta>, and <link> tags across different environments can be challenging. Document Metadata offers a solution. For example, consider a blog post with a specific title and description. This built-in support works seamlessly in all scenarios, providing unified control over your document's head section, simplifying SEO management, and branding consistency.

Web Components: Bridging Frameworks

A long-awaited feature arrives! React 19 embraces Web Components, opening up a world of possibilities and facilitating collaboration across different frameworks. For instance, imagine using a popular date picker component built as a Web Component within your React app. This integration fosters a more unified development ecosystem and allows developers to leverage the best of both worlds.

Hooks: Enhancing the Toolkit

While no new core hooks are introduced in React 19, improvements have been made to existing ones. useMemo and useCallback now offer enhanced capabilities for fine-grained memoization, potentially reducing unnecessary re-renders. Additionally, useEffect provides more control over when effects run, allowing for cleaner and more efficient side effects management. Lastly, useImperativeHandle offers streamlined usage for creating ref-like objects within functional components.


React 19 isn't just an upgrade; it's a gateway to a more performant, dynamic, and engaging development experience. From the groundbreaking React Compiler to the seamless integration of Web Components, each feature empowers developers to create user interfaces that shine.

By actively participating in the development process and learning about these new features, developers can ensure their applications are future-proof and leverage the full potential of React 19. Stay tuned for further updates and dive deeper into the official blog post at React Blog for comprehensive documentation and code examples.
