香港开源年会 2018 (HKOSCon) 将于6月 16-17日 在香港科学园举办,主要关注议题为开源、区块链、编程、数据库、黑客生活、Mozilla等领域。


  1. Vaishali Thakkar (GCC plugins and the Linux Kernel) from India
  2. David Ng (Deploy a serverless chat bot quick with Skygear) (Cantonese) from Hong Kong
  3. Robert “Bob” Reyes (Mixed Reality for the Web) from Philippines
  4. Robert Milan Porsch (Disruption to the System: How Open Data is changing Genomic Research) from Hong Kong
  5. Ben Lau (Using Web Software Architecture in Traditional Desktop App Development – How Flux/Redux was ported to Qt/QML) from Hong Kong
  6. Ross Parker (Refactoring Gibbon) from Hong Kong
  7. Rabimba Karanjai (State of WebXR: What do you need to know today for building Web Mixed Reality Applications) from United States
  8. Chetankumar Khatri (Scaling TB’s of data with Apache Spark and Scala DSL at Production) from India

HKOSCon 2018 Schedule:
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