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今日推荐英文原文:《6 Traits To Show To Ace That Behavioral Interview》

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今日推荐英文原文:《6 Traits To Show To Ace That Behavioral Interview》作者:Michael Chi

6 Traits To Show To Ace That Behavioral Interview

Show off your skills and increase your chances of getting the job

If you Google behavioral interview questions, you can find a lot of example questions:
  • 30 Behavioral Interview Questions To Prep For
  • 10 Common Behavioral Interview Questions
  • 21 Top Behavioral Questions
It’s impossible to prepare for them all. There are too many different questions an interviewer can ask.

But you don’t need to memorize all of them, just memorize how to answer them. If you know what interviewers look for, you can answer all of them. That sounds simple, right?

Well, duh, you might think, but there’s a pattern here.

During my undergrad, I’ve been to over 60 interviews. Although most are internships, companies still asked the same behavioral questions. I realized that there are some key points that interviewers really look for in a candidate, and they try to find it in you by asking these behavioral questions. By demonstrating these points when answering, you give the interviewer what he or she is looking for.

In this article, I want to share these points with you. My experience mainly came from software job interviews, but they will work for other industries as well.

1. You Took the Time To Prepare

As the interviewer, they want to see the candidate actually took the time to prepare.

You’d be surprised at how many people go to an interview unprepared to answer the most basic questions like: What do you know about our company?

I had one interview where the manager asked me, “How did I prepare for the interview?” He later told me that the reason why I received an offer was that I answered this question a lot better than other candidates.

Try to show that you made an effort to prepare. This can be done by researching the products of companies you are interviewing for or Googling if they have a tech blog. They can become your selling points.

2. You Can Learn New Things and Apply Them

That’s essentially your job as a software developer. You need to learn new things: whether that’s a new library or an old codebase from five years ago. Your job is to learn them and apply that knowledge to solve business-related problems.

The same goes for other industries as well. You need to pick up skills that can solve problems on-the-fly to make the company a profit.

By demonstrating that you have this trait in your answers, you are also telling the interviewer that you are adaptive — and can be thrown into unknown territory and still make progress.

Here are some example questions:
  • What will you do if you receive a task that you don’t know how to tackle?
  • How do you look for help when you are stuck?
  • What were some of the challenges you faced?

3. You Can Face Challenges and Get Things Done

When I started my first internship, I had zero experience in developing actual applications, and I had to implement a .NET web app from scratch.

I had no idea how to do it, which is what I told my manager. He said:

If I’m a customer paying you thousands of dollars, are you going to tell me you can’t do what I paid you to do? You WILL figure out a way to solve that problem for customers.

Ever since I left that meeting, I stopped saying, “No, I can’t do this.” without adding a “but…”.

Interviewers know that during work countless problems will come up and you won’t know how to fix a lot of them.

But they want to see that you can face that challenge and get it done either way. They want to see that you won’t just give up and say “I can’t do this,” without finding an alternative.

This can come in the form of the following questions:
  • Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it?
  • Tell me about a time when you failed at something; how did you deal with it?
  • Tell me about a time you were in disagreement with a team member regarding a project. How did you ensure that the project still progressed and met the deadline?
  • What will you do if you are overwhelmed by the amount of work in front of you?

4. You Have Customers in Mind

A software company needs to make money from its customers in order to survive and to improve its services and products. As the software developer, it’s likely that your code will directly impact the customers.

Even if you are working on internal tools, you still have customers. Those customers might just be other employees.

It’s important to show the interviewer that you can not only code, but you can think from the customer’s perspective. You have a sense of urgency if customers encounter an urgent issue.

Show that you take pride in your work, and you want the users to be satisfied with your work.

5. You Can Learn From Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes during work.

However, it’s important to show that you can learn from those mistakes and improve. In the end, nobody wants to hire someone who makes the same mistakes over and over again.

This can come in the form of the following questions:
  • Tell me about a time when you failed at something. How did you handle the situation?
  • What is your weakness?
Yes, you can use this point to construct a great answer for “What is your weakness?” For example, you can find a mistake or shortcoming you have, acknowledge it, and show the interviewer how you are trying to improve it. I believe this answer will sound a whole lot better than: I’m a perfectionist.

6. Finally, Show Off Yourself

Other than technical skills, you should show off these skills whenever you can in your answers:
  • Time management skills
  • Communication skills
  • Teamwork skills
  • Organization skills
  • And more
These can be sprinkled in when you try to answer a question by demonstrating any of the previous points.

For example, when an interviewer asks a question related to how you work with a team, talk about how you would communicate frequently and concisely with team members to ensure the smooth sailing of a project. You just demonstrated that you can communicate, you have great teamwork skills, and you can get things done.

These can also be great fallback answers. If you encounter any questions that you don’t know how to answer, think about how you can demonstrate these traits in your answer.

Lastly, for any of the points mentioned, always tell a story to back up your words. Interviewers want to see real-life examples from you — to show that you do have the qualities to be successful at the position. By doing this, you will be the one steering the direction of the conversation, not the interviewer.

In Conclusion

See, behavioral interviews aren’t that hard.

Look through the list of behavioral questions online, and you will realize that they are really looking for similar things. The interviewer wants to know about you beyond your technical skills.

Demonstrate these points in the interview, and give the interviewer a reason to put in good words for you.

Go and ace that interview!