今日推薦英文原文:《Begin Where You Are, You Have Everything You Need》

推薦理由:Faceai 是一款入門級的人臉、視頻、文字檢測以及識別的項目,並附有較為詳細的教程,適合機器學習的初學者學習。
今日推薦英文原文:《Begin Where You Are, You Have Everything You Need》作者:Zack Shapiro
推薦理由:2020 也許會有遺憾,但是時間還在滾滾向前。
Begin Where You Are, You Have Everything You Need
A message to myself for 2021
Some things happen gradually, then suddenly. Taking in information and advice is one of those things. You can hit a saturation point and then you can just keep going.Research turns into reading about best practices and absolute shoulds or should-nots…which turns into more research and never sketching, never prototyping, never building, never shipping.
No more.
Have a bias towards action. Have a bias towards working product. Have a bias towards getting users long before it』s polished and ready. Have a bias towards 「What if I didn』t do that right now?」 Have a bias towards shipping. If it doesn』t ship, it doesn』t count.In 2021, let』s all ship more.
Happy New Year!