今日推荐开源项目:《智能合约 Solidity》
今日推荐英文原文:《Nothing’s More Important Than Showing Up》

今日推荐开源项目:《智能合约 Solidity》传送门:项目链接
推荐理由:区块链技术已经成为当下的热门话题,但它的诞生却是在十多年前比特币诞生的时候。而 Solidity 则是应运而生的一种高级语言,用于在以太坊虚拟机(EVM)中实现智能合约。区块链的本质是去中心化的数据库,而智能合约则是所有人都能看到的数据或交易。
今日推荐英文原文:《Nothing’s More Important Than Showing Up》作者:Ross McCammon
Nothing’s More Important Than Showing Up
Bestselling author Seth Godin has been writing frequently about creativity on Medium the past few weeks. This week he wrote about the importance of simply showing up. For Godin, creativity isn’t as much inspiration as it is application: arriving on time and doing the work. In a word: practice.“When we commit to a practice, we don’t have to wonder if we’re in the mood, if it’s the right moment, if we have a headache or momentum or the muse by our side. We already made those decisions.”
It was key to his own success, he says: “Twenty years ago, I decided to blog every day. There will be a blog from me tomorrow. Not because it’s the best one I’ve ever written, or perfect, or even because I’m in the right mood. It will be there because it’s tomorrow.”
I’ve thought a lot about this post as we head into this pandemic winter. How do we face it? How do we continue to do great work? I think Godin has the answer: methodically, regularly. You can find control amid chaos but only if you apply a schedule that gives you space to create. Now, more than ever, structure is a shelter from the storm.