今日推荐英文原文:《Apple appears to post Sept. 10 stream details for 5G iPhone event on YouTube》

推荐理由:本项目包含了大量的构建计算机视觉系统的例子, 旨在构建一套全面的工具, 包括计算机视觉算法等内容. 并且本项目从其他的最新项目中获取了宝贵的资料并加以收集整理.
今日推荐英文原文:《Apple appears to post Sept. 10 stream details for 5G iPhone event on YouTube》作者:Ian Sherr
推荐理由:最近关于苹果手机是否禁止使用微信的消息引发全球关注. 又是一年9月到, 不知道在中国市场已经逐渐过去的苹果又会推出一款什么样的新手机呢?
Apple appears to post Sept. 10 stream details for 5G iPhone event on YouTube
Apple's signature secrecy may have slipped a little Thursday, when a Twitter user posted a photo of what appeared to be a scheduled livestream for the iPhone maker's YouTube account set for Sept. 10."It was on my YouTube subscription page, it is now removed," the person tweeted.
Apple didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. Apple's YouTube page currently doesn't have any events scheduled.
The tweet, and the attention it's getting from outlets such as 9to5Mac, The Verge and yes, even us, is an example of just how carefully people watch Apple's movements ahead of its expected announcements of new products, including this fall's 5G iPhone. Apple traditionally holds a fall event to announce new products ahead of the holiday shopping season, and it's been the time that the company's announced new iPhones since 2011's iPhone 4S.
This year, Apple's cloaked the event and its details in the usual secrecy as fans eagerly await the company's inevitable invitations to the press. The messages typically include an artistic rendering and a title for the event that always seems to hint at something to be announced. But it's also usually vague enough to light up Twitter with fan theories for the day.
Unlike in previous years, Apple's confirmed it's announcing a new iPhone, but did say the device would arrive a few weeks later than last year's Sept. 20 launch for the iPhone 11.
In the meantime, the tea leaf reading and supposed leaks have only begun.
First published on Aug. 20, 2020 at 11:15 a.m. PT.